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2016 Olympic Games in Rio De Janeiro

12:27:00 AM
It’s a big deal and a big honor to host an Olympic Games. It is very costly but it puts nations on a map and shows their first world status. Not all nations can afford to even consider it and those who do often have to cough up big bucks to host the games and deal with the economic cost later, paying off the debt and bonds taken out to make it all happen.

In Rio de Janero it’s where The 2016 Summer time Olympics will be held and is guaranteed to be a very lively event. The nation expects thousands of folks to attend this awesome and magnificent occasion ensuring that it really is as wonderful as all fiestas in Rio. With amazing sporting facilities, an unbelievable scenery, and electric atmosphere, the 2016 Olympic is going to be an enormous success.

Rio de Janeiro was selected for many reasons despite the fact that there were many other contenders for the 2016 Summer Olympics. This will be the very first time that the summer Olympics will be held in South America. Rio is an exhilarating city which has so many things to offer visitors from when they land, including the amazing beaches, stunning mountain ranges and beautiful ocean.

The investment that has been made into the 2016 Olympics in Rio is unreal, and will make certain that the rivals and spectators have the very best facilities. State of the art buildings have been developed and created to make sure that Rio makes a statement to the world. “Live Your Passion” is the theme that Rio chose for the Olympics which sums up everything that Rio stands for. The entire city is behind the hosting with the games, and it's going to be a wonderful occasion.

Aside from creating facilities for the traditional Olympic Games, Rio's bid committee also added its proposal for accommodating some new sports that may be added to the Olympic Program. The bid committee proved itself capable of staging rugby, softball, squash, roller sports, baseball, golf and karate.

Rio has a wonderful reputation for being a city full of life and parties and the organizers are hoping that the vibrant feeling continues throughout the Olympic Games. In case you are going to the city just for the 2016 Summer time Olympics, you are going to need to see every little thing city has to offer. You will have the trip of a lifetime and will be able to brag that you were in Rio for the Olympics. Indeed, it was a great choice.

Creating a New Trend Idea

1:16:00 AM
Mankind has countless gifts bestowed by nature. Flowers and trees are the most valuable presence to mankind. Planets or places where there are no trees cannot be inhabited due to a simple reason that is the lack of oxygen which is proven by the sciences. So, if we consider the trees as the basic source of life we also need to consider the flowers as a basic source of beauty for the trees. The people who are very near to nature understand the importance of the flowers and they also know that the flowers are a source of fragrance. Flowers act like the topping on the cake without which the cake would have looked monstrous. So the hierarchy is not only beautiful, but also thrilling, fully explaining what the world would have been without the flowers.

Why can they not grace the girls with their extra spectacular beauty if the flowers can grace the world with their beauty? Flowers can increase the happiness level of the people as being concluded by the latest study. We cannot think about the effects a professional dressing can cause and if there are some professional hairstyles along with the dressing, the effects would be awesome. Modernism demands from us the courage to accept the scientific research and make sure that the scientific knowledge is upheld. It is what makes the world and without it we would erode.

Now, human life changes drastically and the standard of life increase as scientific knowledge make sure completely. There are few situations in which it may backfire or create problems. So when the human follows the scientific knowledge it is usually for their own good and the probability remains high on the side of advantages.

Even if we see the trend in movies, it is evident that nature is given the prime importance. Flowers will not only look unique but the level of attraction in them will uphold your beauty. So by using flowers you are doing four big benefits to the world: Becoming the source of attraction for the world and gaining confidence ultimately in your personality and character; enhancing the importance of nature and flowers in our life; giving them an extra exquisite look thereby becoming the source of happiness for the already grieved world; if it is not the trend in your town you can be the pioneer of this gorgeous look.

Be the torch bearer the people will love to follow rather than being the follower. The world has always loved the people who take initiative rather than those who just believe they want to follow the footsteps of other. Why not try something new? Fortune favors the brave and never have the weakest created their own shadow. Let us see if you can create the trends for such an incredible style or just remain idle by following others.

How to Know Yourself that You are Ready to Start Dating Again

1:21:00 AM

Have you been hurt badly? It’s really took its toll on you if you keep on running from the past. Your heart is now healing slowly after being once broken. It took months and years to make you finally move on from that heartache experience. And now you are embracing finally the fact that maybe it’s already the right time to start anew.
You’ve been through trying to erase the hurt and pain after all, you don’t ever want to commit mistake and you don’t need to experience heartache again in your life. But if you don’t take a risk, how can you get out of that wretched place that full of bitterness? Step out from the dark and embrace a chance to experience the joys of life.
Having a relationship again has no guarantee that it would already lead into a serious relationship. Try to ask yourself if you are already ready to face it head on despite the future trials that you might be facing.
Now, are you ready to take a risk again? When you get your heart broken, you will do everything that you can just to fix it and ease your pain away. You will protect it in order not to be shattered again into pieces. And you will learn eventually not to entrust it to anyone. You are craving for companionship but your fear alienates you from making a love connection. If you want to find the right one for you, be brave and give love another chance.
Make yourself a pressure free. Don’t let other personalities to dictate you what to do and when you should go into a relationship. After all, they are not you. You should be the one to decide for yourself because in the first place, it is your life. Let yourself not to be blinded by fear and rush to things if you are just scared that you’ll end up alone. Be patient and wait for the right moment when you are already at peace with your mind and heart because desperation for love will drive you nowhere that leads you to still end up with the wrong person.
Try to be confident and independent. Most often, failures make you grow as a person. Because of this you will become confident and independent person who is stronger than ever, keeping your relationship going need not to rely on others. You have your own mind so take charge of it. Never mind if you’re going to face heartaches as long as you know already in handling with it. Always remember to love yourself first because to love someone does not mean that you no longer have a life of your own.
Do you still antagonize your past? Try to erase all the bitterness in your heart. It is natural to get angry but what is past is past. Your hatred will only destroy you so make yourself moving on. Make your previous relationship a lesson and your stepping stone to move forward and meet the right person for you and you will realize that to love once again is possible.  

How to Stay Safe When Out at Night

11:59:00 PM

Almost every day, we read in the newspaper the accounts of brutal crimes --rape, assault, murder, attacks, etc. These incidents are the exact expression of the feeling of the dominance of one person over another; to prove the male dominance over the women. Women like to remain submissive and are always unwilling to fight back, so women are supposed to be afraid. The time has come to break the image of stereotypical women. But how? Only if a woman learns how to protect herself, how to defend her from becoming the victim. We are living in such an increasingly violent society, where self-protection or self-defense remains the only possible way to sustain in such a society.

            Think about ways in which we can defend ourselves proactively against danger, risk, injury, and/or death. Specifically, safety at night is something that seems to be an issue for people from all ages and walks of life. When traveling alone at night or just being home alone, there are things you need to think about constantly in order to keep a vigilant awareness about your safety. For example, if you need to go to an ATM at night (or even during the day), try to go to an ATM in a well-lit, public place and where there is a nearby safety spot, such as police car patrol and protection. If you have to walk at night, do everything in your power not to walk alone, as being with just one other person decreases your chances of being attacked or put in harm's way. If you do end up having to walk alone, make sure you have self-defense and awareness items like pepper spray, flashlight, reflective/bright clothing, working phone with GPS, and perhaps even put 911 on speed dial in case of emergency. Also, let your family and friends know where you are going and how long it should take, so that if you don't return or respond to calls/texts by a certain time, they know you are in danger and to find out what is going on. If you ever are somewhere alone, let someone else know so that you are not the only person who knows where you are.

This all might sound like common sense, but sometimes we take these things for granted and end up in danger that could have been easily avoided had we prepared vigilantly. According to statistics released by the U.S. Department of Education in 2014, during the years 2011-2013 on U.S. college campuses, arrest rates went up consistently, showing an increased crime rate across the board. Furthermore, the reported criminal offenses across U.S. college campuses remain in the 700-800 range, meaning that almost one thousand crimes a year are reported to law enforcement, making for quite a consistent level of criminal threat. College campuses are one particularly charged arena for individual safety concerns, as college students are young, naïve, newly independent, and unable to access the same resources as adults and parents.

Happiness Begin with Awareness

11:56:00 PM

Unless you are not aware about what you are doing, you cannot change something. The first step for you to take is to be aware of your attention and with your expression in the moment. Just by changing your attention you interrupt the pattern of rejection. This also takes the attention away from the descriptions in your mind of what you should be.

Try to ask these types of questions to help you make the shift throughout the day. What emotion am I assigning in my voice? What is my attitude? What am I expressing? In the moment, these questions will get your attention to your expression. They also shift your expression and point of view to one of investigation instead of letting the voice in your head express a story of rejection.

The first step to change is to being conscious of your expression. You cannot change something that you are not aware of. Awareness to something does not make the expression of self rejection and this is the very first reason why this step is effective.

The mind leads us in circles and illusions. To just stop it and act differently is the mind’s solution to stopping self rejection. But this again drives our mind to create an abstract self picture of being someone else. This approach feeds the self rejection for not having proficient the change yet. Start with consciousness of your expression and your attention in order to avoid this trap. It allows you to better avoid the dangerous voice in your head and the self rejecting dynamic that it encourages. An expression that doesn’t create rejection is the activity of watching and curiosity.

Joy and happiness are not certain because you achieve your self help goals. These are just games we put up in the mind in order to generate our expression of love and acceptance. When you express emotions of fear and anger you are unhappy. When you communicate love you are happy. It is your expression in the moment that determines the happiness and joy in your life.

We have become trained in our lives to express ourselves in reaction to outside events. Emotional responses and deliberately choose our attitude will our happiness be guaranteed only when we break these conditioned. The key to assuring your happiness is by having awareness and direction over your expression.

To communicate love is the key to create a genuine happiness to your life. You already have the key to your own happiness since your expression of love is exclusively up to you. What remains is for you to determine what you do with your key. The key to happiness and accomplishment in life does not come by achieving but rather is a result of how we express ourselves. When you express love and acceptance you are happy and when you express rejection and judgment you will be unhappy.

Self approval is the way out of self rejection. Change the feelings you are expressing, you do not have to transform what you are or what you have to be happy. You will be feeling angry once you are expressing anger. If you express jealousy or guilt, then you will feel jealousy and guilt too. You are probable to experience happiness and fulfillment if you are expressing love. We frequently connect feeling happy with who we were with what we had or what we are doing. Those outside things were not making us happy. It was the love we were expressing at the time that satisfied us.

You will discover as you continue adding these activities to your life, it will start to enhance and the vast majority never go back to where they were before.

Be happy! It is no big surprise that the happiest people are also the most successful people.